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Ancient Monuments in South Armagh

Here are images of some of the ancient monuments in the area. Click on image for full picture. Use the "Back" button to return to this page.

photo Slieve Gullion Passage Grave - New Stone Age Burial Place photo Annaghmare Court Cairn - New Stone Age Burial Place
photo Lisleitrim Fort and Crannog - Two forms of Bronze Age Dwelling Places photo Ballymacdermott Court Cairn - New Stone Age Burial Place
photo Clontygora Court Cairn - New Stone Age Burial Place photo Ballykeel Dolmen - New Stone Age Burial Place
photo The Dorsey - South East photo The Dorsey - plan of the area
photo Drumill Standing Stone - Bronze Age Monument photo Proleek Dolmen - New Stone Age Burial Place
photo Lough Ross Crannog - Bronze Age Dwelling Place - The 1641 Rebellion was planned here photo Killevy Churches - site of 5th century Nunnery founded by St Monnina
photo Kilnasaggart Stone - Early Christian Monument photo Kilnasaggart Stone - Early Christian Monument
photo Roche Castle - Norman Castle