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No. 9 - 1999/2000

Tomás Ó Fiaich Anniversary
Millennium Issue

  1. Introduction.....Michael McShane
  2. Lourdes Homilies.....Tomás Ó Fiaich
    • Four homilies delivered by the late Cardinal in Lourdes

  3. Saint Brigid's P.S. Re-opened 1989.....Tony Kieran
    • Tony Kieran, former Principal, recalls the day, 2 June 1989, that Cardinal Ó Fiaich blessed and opened the renovated school, and reproduces his notes of the Cardinal's remarks.

  4. Tomás Ó Fiaich's Irish Press Interview 1978.....Kevin McMahon
    • Kevin McMahon provides a compilation of newspaper extracts of the controversial interview of Cardinal Ó Fiaich in the Irish Press on 16 June 1978 and the political and religious reverberations over the following six months.

  5. The Island of Saints and Scholars: The Early Centuries.....Sister Dr. Evelyn Kenny
    • Sister Evelyn describes how the existing social structures and spirituality of the Irish Celtic peoples blended easily with Christianity and oulines the early basic elements of Celtic Christianity. There are brief lives of some early Irish Saints and comments on aspects of monasticism. Finally some questions are posed on what celtic spirituality has to offer on the eve of the third millennium.

  6. The Dorsey since Tempest's 1930 Description.....C.J. Lynn
    • This article examines the development of ideas about the Dorsey and its purpose since the seminal description by Tempest in 1930 and comments on new scientific findings about the date of its construction.

  7. The Cornonagh Evictions.....Len Gourd
    • Following on from Issue No. 3 - 1989, Len Gourd describes the backgound, origins and progress of a local campaign to produce fair rents in the face of a rapacious landlord and his agent, resulting in evictions and penury for many families.

  8. "Youse the Bourkes?" (A Childhood in Creggan).....Mary Anne Bourne
    • Edited by her children, this article comprised the recollections of a 90 year old daughter of Creggan, about the times, customs and passtimes of a largely bygone age, close in time but now lost in the modern world

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