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No. 7 - 1994/1995

  1. Introduction.....Michael McShane
  2. A Tribute to James (Jem) Murphy.....Michael McShane
    • An affectionate and appreciative tribute to a much loved local historian who had made major contributions to the development of the Society and to the wider community.

  3. Incidents, War of Independence, Creggan Parish.....Kevin McMahon
    • A detailed account of four major attacks on the police and the death and injury of civilians, in South Armagh during the period 1919-1921

  4. In Search of the Eastwoods.....Len Gourd
    • A detailed exploration of the origins and local connections of a family reputed to be interred in an a vault in Creggan Graveyard.

  5. Carricknagavna, a History of a Mountain Townland.....Kevin Murphy
    • The story of a townland and its owners, from the Cromwellian confiscations to its purchase by its tenants in 1872, one of the earliest of such purchases in Ireland under the 1870 Land Act. The article abounds also with the characters involved and with some of their exploits.

  6. Artificial Curiosities and Antiquities of the South Armagh Countryside.....Michael McShane
    • A discussion of the different interpretations of the Dorsey as a single enclosure or "gateway" is accompanied by a discussion of forts in the South Armagh area, including a description of a number of these in a variety of townlands.

  7. Folk Memories of the Famine.....Mary Cumiskey
    • A compilation of the recollections of old people and of local folklore, about the effects of the failure of the potato crop in South Armagh in the years following 1845.

  8. The Famine in Creggan Parish.....Compiled by Kevin McMahon
    • An account of the progress of the Famine in South Armagh; recreated by way of extracts from selected documents and papers in the Archives of the Local History Society.

  9. Potato Blight - What was the Cause?.....Dr. Alistair R. McCracken
    • Many explanations, some bizarre, were offered for the cause of the pototo blight. A Northamptonshire botanist had the answers but was ignored for many decades.

  10. The Potato and its consequences for Ireland.....Michael McShane
    • The history of the potato, its introduction into Ireland, its importance to the national diet and the impact of the blight.

  11. History in the Making.....Michael McShane
    • A detailed account of the foundation and development of the Creggan Local History Society in the ten years of its existance.

  12. Miscellanea
    • The Book of Armagh.....Michael McShane
      • One of 3000 Irish literary treasures located in Trinity College, Dublin, the Book's first author was discovered only recently. This article describes some of its physical attributes and deals with some of the contents of the Book itself.

    • Selling the Books.....
      • An abbreviated account of selling the Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Memorial Issue of the Creggan Journal on a 1991 November weekend.

  13. Homilies and Lectures
    • Sesquicentenary of St. Patrick's Church, Crossmaglen - 29 Sept. 1985.....Homily of Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich
    • Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church - 17 Sept. 1988.....Homily of Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich
      • Given at the launch of the Guide to Creggan Church and Graveyard.

    • Anniversary Requiem Mass - 7 May 1991.....Homily of Cardinal Daly
      • Given at the First Anniversary Mass for the late Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich in St Patrick's Church, Crossmaglen. Afterwards, in the Parish Rooms, Archbishop Daly launched the Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich Commemorative issue of CREGGAN.

    • Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church - 8 Sept. 1991.....Homily of Rev. Canon Joseph Maguire PP Downpatrick
      • Given on the occasion of Creggan Local History Society's Annual Service.

    • Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church - 13 Sept. 1992.....Lecture by Douglas Gageby, former Editor of the Irish Times
      • Given in Creggan Church on the occasion of the Annual Ecumenical Service of the Creggan Local History Society.

    • Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church - 5 Sept. 1993.....Sermon by Canon WJ Marshall
      • Given at the Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church.

    • Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church - 4 Sept. 1994.....Homily of Most Rev. Gerard Clifford, Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh.
      • Given at the Annual Ecumenical Service in Creggan Church.

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