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No. 4 - 1990

  1. Introduction.....Kevin McMahon
  2. Pictorial Tribute to Cardinal Tomás ÓFiaich.....Images of the late Cardinal
    • Fourteen photographs of the late Cardinal at different stages in his life.

  3. Stone Monuments in the Slieve Gullion area.....D.R.M. Weatherup
    • Description of some of the many stone structures - from dolmens to castles - that scatter the landscape around, and on top of, Slieve Gullion.

  4. Cal Mór.....Kevin McMahon
    • The story of a murderous outlaw of the early 18th Century, Big Charley Carragher, or Cal Mór, and of his capture, conviction, last speech and terrible end.

  5. Rev. Daniel Gunn Brown.....Rev. J. MacMillan
    • An unpublished biography, written about 100 years ago, of Rev. Daniel Gunn Brown, Minister of the First Newtownhamilton Presbyterian Church from 1835 to 1868 - an outstanding Christian Minister and a great humanitarian, involved, following the Great Famine, in seeking fair treatment for tenant farmers, and much traduced for so doing.

  6. Sir Thomas Jackson.....Mary Cumiskey
    • A short biography of a well respected "local boy made good" who provided a real clock in place of a 40 year old dummy to Crossmaglen Market House and went on to become Chief Manager of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank and a Baronet.

  7. Cullaville.....Con Mac an Ghir
    • A brief history of the Cullaville area over a period of two hundred years - the personalities, events and atrocities and a chronicle of the land holders listed in the 1766 Census of Creggan.

  8. Memories of Loyalty - St Bridget's Glassdrummond.....Tony Kieran
    • The consecration, on 24 September 1932, of the new church of St. Brigid, Glasdrumman.

  9. Memories.....Jem Murphy
    • Detailed account of the events, personalities, vernacular conversations and reminiscences of an August evening and day in 1930. A remarkable, affectionate and fascinating tale from a master story-teller.

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