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No. 11 - 2003/2004

  1. Introduction....Michael McShane
  2. Tribute to the late Canon Clarke.....Michael McShane
    • Valediction for a learned friend and former Patron of the Society.

  3. Teer: A Townland in its historical setting.....Kieran McConville
    • The story of a townland; its geography, surroundings, history and people.

  4. Incidents, Civil War period, Creggan Parish.....Kevin McMahon
    • During the civil war (1922-23) there were a number of incidents in Creggan parish. This article, compiled from contemporary newspaper reports, chronicles the incidents and their sequels.

  5. Dinner for a Landlord.....Len Gourd
    • A banquet organised by his tenent farmers and local dignatories, shortly after the Great Famine, for a Landlord who had reduced rents when all others were raising them.

  6. An article by the late Malachy A. Conlon M.P......Copied by the Editor
    • Reproduction of an article, apparently written in the late 1940s, predicting the imminent end of the partition of Ireland.

  7. Early Parish Priests of Lower Creggan.....Michael McShane
    • Lists the Parish Priests, and some curates (including a mysterious Dominican Friar with miraculous powers), with information about their personalities and achievements, between 1795, when the Parish was created, and 1870.

  8. The Troubles, Creggan Parish 1969-2000.....Compiled by Kevin McMahon
    • Compiled from the files of the Newry Reporter, this chronology of incidents affecting the people of, or occuring in or close to the Parish, is a comprehensive overview of the impact of the Troubles on the area and its people.

  9. Ecumenical Service in Creggan Parish Church, Sunday 15 September 2002
    • Homily by Very Rev. Sean Rogan PP Lisburn

  10. Ecumenical Service in Creggan Parish Church, Sunday 26 October 2003
    • Homily by Rev. Michael Murtagh, C.C. Ardee, Co. Louth

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